Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers are saying about Paul Wilson Realty and our agents.

Beth helped us with the sale of our home, patiently answering our many questions, researching comps in our surrounding area, and advising us on how best to stage our home for sale. We were shocked to have an above asking price offer within a few days of putting our house on the market! We are so thankful we called Paul Wilson Realty.
Robert W
Property owner
Customer Testimonials
Thanks to Beth and the agents at Paul Wilson Realty for making our buying and selling processes for the last thirty years a great experience. Would highly recommend this agency!
by Angie B.
Beth helped us sell our home in record time! She is so knowledgeable and helpful. We would highly recommend using Paul Wilson Realty when you are ready to buy or sell a home. They're the best!
by Robert & Jamie W
Lori-Anna helped us purchase our first home together, and it has now turned into our forever dream home.  She was extremely accountable and always answered within the hour.  Lori made our loan process a lot easier and connected us with all the right people.  Five stars isn’t enough!
by Lindsey S.
Over the years my family has used Paul Wilson Realty (Kathy Babington and Beth Wilson) for several real estate purchases and sales. They are kind, knowledgeable and trustworthy.  We wouldn't use anyone else! They are the best!
by Brenda M.
Lori is knowledgeable, approachable, and experienced. As a first time home buyer I was nervous about the overall process and easily intimidated by the paper work, contracts, inspection, appraisals, etc. She took the time to kindly explain all the details while answering my list of, what I assumed were, questions I should already know the answers to. She carefully combed through market listings, helped me identify seasonal advantages/disadvantages of pulled properties and communicated with other listing agents to basically become the ultimate middle man, mouth piece that translated all of my responses. She handled the heavy lifting once the seller accepted , while I sat with my feet up waiting for close. When it came time to sell my first home, the process was just as smooth as the buying. I was working full time in a neighboring state, moving across the country, stretching myself out extremely thin. Lori handled everything- making sure to remind me of digital document signatures if I had failed to check my inbox. We had a good relationship. All I had to do was tell her the offers I wanted to make (buying) and the ones I would accept (selling) and she took it from there. When it comes to agents in the southern Illinois area, she is my definite recommendation!
by Emma J.
Our family just recently closed on our forever home with Paul Wilson Realty. I cant say enough wonderful things about this company, especially about Beth Wilson!  She helped us find our first home and after 7 years there, we were ready to sell and find our forever home. She helped us in so many ways during this crazy time in the market. We were able to sell our home fast, and we found our new home in about 2 months. Their response time was impeccable, their follow-up was amazing and they treated us like family. She was always willing to go the extra mile and make sure we had everything that we needed and that we had the perfect home to continue to raise our family. I would never use a different realty company. I have and will continue to highly recommend Beth Wilson and Paul Wilson Realty to all of my friends and family. I truly could not have asked for a better experience.
by Elizabeth D.
Absolutely Great People to work with!
by Enrico C.
The Best!
by Taylor M.
We can't wait to make new memories in our new home. Huge thank you to Beth Wilson for all of our realtor needs.
by Lucas W.
Thank you so much Beth for always helping us with our real estate needs. You have become like family to us.
by Shawna C.

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